Our Mission
Our mission is to expand affordable housing opportunities across the United States by leveraging the Section 8 housing program and private funds from generous donors and investors. We provide below-market rate financing for purchases and renovations of multifamily apartment properties to increase the available number of high-quality, affordable rental homes. When the multifamily properties are sold, Section 8 tenants stay in place, loans are repaid, capital is returned to our partnering fund plus above average returns on investment making it available for our next project.
Perpetual Impact Investing Strategy
Funds are loaned to acquire multifamily properties, directly increasing the availability of affordable housing units.
Affordable housing supply grows, helping to alleviate the housing crisis by creating more accessible living options for those in need.
Upon the sale of these properties, the funds are returned to The 1 Percent Club and reinvested in future acquisitions, creating a perpetual cycle of impact investing.

We Leverage Education and Support
We offer educational and support services to all tenants through partnerships with local amazing existing for for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Our goal is to empower families and children so they can achieve financial independence and no longer need government assistance.

We Promote Local Small Business Growth
We reduce small business gentrification. We provide below-market financing for commercial properties that lease to businesses with fewer than 25 employees in up-and-coming areas. These businesses play a crucial role in servicing the local community and fostering economic growth.